


ملاحظات يجب قراءتها:

1. نتبرئ من استخدام أي موضوع في المدونة في طريق الحرام أو ضد المسلمين.
2. إن لم تجد الموضوع الذي بحثت عنه في محرك البحث، استخدم البحث الداخلي في المدونة.
3. هناك مراكز رفع ملفات تحتاج الى استعمال بروكسي للتحميل المجاني دون عمل حساب مدفوع مثل مركز رفع uploading.com
4. نعتذر عن عدم توفر بدائل لبعض الروابط المفقودة
5. الرجاء فحص الملفات جيداً قبل التشغيل فيما يخص أدوات الهاكرز و الفيديو..الخ
6. ليست كل البرامج كاملة و ليست كل البرامج تحتاج الى تسجيل!!؟؟
7. عزيزي الزائر تشرفنا بزيارتك، و أعلم أنك لست أول زائر و لن تكون الاخير بإذن الله تعالى، تمتع بتصفح المدونة دون مشاكل بإذن الله...
8. لا تنس استخدام (رسائل اقدم) لرؤية باقي مواضيع التصنيفات

انشاء المدونة

تم انشاء المدونة في:


Black ice

كل عام و أنتم بألف خير بمناسبة مرور 4 سنوات على انشاء المدونة و الحمدلله

ĬŖŞĤ@ĮĐ مدونة الخدع و الشروحات إرشيد الجرايدة ĬŖŞĤ@ĮĐ

Keep hacked paypal money tutorial

Haven't tried this myself yet, but looks like it could very well work. Thought it was worth posting.

= Cleaning carded money -- By Using paypal & webmoney -- | |
= --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
= Written by AppleCrasheR | |
= -------------------------------------------- |
=Greetz to Everyone for reading this tuitorial! | |
= 1.) Intro
= - Bored of losing my carded money and trying to figure out how to wash them and prevent
= from chargeback thing.
= 2.) Needed things
= - atleast 3 Brazil Paypal.com accounts
= - Register your paypal accounts here : https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr...ration-run
= and where it says : Select the country or region where you live: - choose Brazil
= - Use fakenamegenerator.com while registering accounts on paypal and Gmail to register 3 different emails
= 3.) Method
= - Ok, now you have registered 3 paypal accounts with 3 different email accounts ( i prefer gmail )
= Step 1.- Send money from the victim's paypal to the carded one, then send them to your second brazil pp account
= and then to the third. Here's the point, after you have sent money from the first brazil account to the second,
= cancel both accounts in paypal options. Here's the trick This will stop paypal for a while because
they can't do refund when money were sent to 3 different accounts and 2 of them were cancelled.., After you have money on your third
= PayPal account, Visit exwp.com you will see "Choose your kind of exchange":- Choose paypal to wmz ( webmoney)
= Enter info of your third brazil paypal account in and then just wait.. It takes few days to get money so you better do it like 2-3
= days before you card paypal.. Now you have money on your wmz account, transfer them back to your legit paypal account -
= again on exwp.com you will see Choose your kind of exchange:- Choose wmz to paypal. The best thing is when you have victim's
= email acess, you can easy remove the emails from paypal ( like Your Payment Has Been Sent ) also remember to remvoe them from the trash
= Victim won't notice anything till he recieve bills from the bank.. if you know what bank does person use and when he's getting bills, you're ok
= 4.) Notes
= - This paper contains information which could be considered illegal in
= some countries. It is provided here for educational use. I do not condone
= illegal activities in any way. I provide the information to you "as is" and
= will not be held responsible for any damage done to your own personal
= machine or 3rd party. You ARE responsible for what you do with what is
= provided in this paper. I will not hold any responsibility over what
= activities you do using the content found.

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