


ملاحظات يجب قراءتها:

1. نتبرئ من استخدام أي موضوع في المدونة في طريق الحرام أو ضد المسلمين.
2. إن لم تجد الموضوع الذي بحثت عنه في محرك البحث، استخدم البحث الداخلي في المدونة.
3. هناك مراكز رفع ملفات تحتاج الى استعمال بروكسي للتحميل المجاني دون عمل حساب مدفوع مثل مركز رفع uploading.com
4. نعتذر عن عدم توفر بدائل لبعض الروابط المفقودة
5. الرجاء فحص الملفات جيداً قبل التشغيل فيما يخص أدوات الهاكرز و الفيديو..الخ
6. ليست كل البرامج كاملة و ليست كل البرامج تحتاج الى تسجيل!!؟؟
7. عزيزي الزائر تشرفنا بزيارتك، و أعلم أنك لست أول زائر و لن تكون الاخير بإذن الله تعالى، تمتع بتصفح المدونة دون مشاكل بإذن الله...
8. لا تنس استخدام (رسائل اقدم) لرؤية باقي مواضيع التصنيفات

انشاء المدونة

تم انشاء المدونة في:


Black ice

كل عام و أنتم بألف خير بمناسبة مرور 4 سنوات على انشاء المدونة و الحمدلله

ĬŖŞĤ@ĮĐ مدونة الخدع و الشروحات إرشيد الجرايدة ĬŖŞĤ@ĮĐ






View your email before it gets to your computer - now you can see what email is waiting for you so you can deal to it effectively and safely.

Delete unwanted email before you download it. A great way to stop viruses or large attachments.

Status. MailWasher Pro software analyzes each email as it arrives and warns you if it is suspected junk mail or a virus using advanced logic and filtering.

Simple Set Up. Wizards prompt you for email account information so set up takes little more than a few seconds to complete.

Simplicity. No flashy gimmicks, so easy to use that you won't feel like you have to learn a whole new program. In fact it has the familiar look and feel of Outlook Express. It's as easy as 1, 2, 3. Just check mail, mark for deletion/report/bounce, then process mail.

Works with your existing email program, whether it is Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora, Netscape, Incredimail or any other program.

Multiple platforms, runs on Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, Mac OSX 10.3, Intel Macs (using Parallels) and Linux (using Wine).


FirstAlert!™ MailWasher Pro interacts in real-time with the FirstAlert!™ spam database. Using the global reach of over 7 million MailWasher Pro users, spam fighters like you can report spam to the FirstAlert! Operations Centre where unique spam signatures and rules are created. This means once someone reports spam to FirstAlert!,and it's verified as spam, no other user will receive that same spam message. When you check your email with MailWasher Pro, FirstAlert! trains the filters in MailWasher Pro against the latest spam threats so you're always up-to-date.

Friends List. Add your friends email addresses to MailWasher Pro's friends list so their mail is always recognized.

Blacklist. Add nuisance email addresses to the blacklist so you never get email from them again.

Custom Filters. MailWasher Pro allows you to create your own filters to automatically spot spam such as foreign language spam, and/or use regular expressions to filter out potential spammer addresses and messages.

Learning Filters. MailWasher Pro learns and adapts to your personal preferences by letting you teach it the kind of email you want to receive. These intelligent filters use Firetrust's advanced learning filters (Bayesian statistical analysis) to deliver a robust and efficient approach to solving your spam problem!

Heuristic Virus Scanning. MailWasher Pro blocks potential viruses by examining each email for any code it thinks is suspicious and could indicate a virus.

Block Known Origins of Spam. MailWasher Pro allows you to check the origin of the email received against DNS spam blacklist servers.

Bounce back unwanted email to the spammer so it looks as if your email address is not valid.

Easy Email Classification. Good email is clearly shown as green color and spam and viruses are shown as red.


Quick Reply. Now you launch a 'new email' to make quick replies to emails from the MailWasher Pro interface.

Restore Deleted Email. Rescue accidentally deleted emails.

Unlimited email accounts. You can have as many email accounts as you want to check. Support for POP3, AOL, Hotmail & MSN and IMAP.

Fast download of headers using simultaneous checking, we have clocked speeds of 25 email messages per second.

Comprehensive help and frequently asked questions. A tutorial and animated tutorial are also included.

Support via email and upgrades so you stay up-to-date with the latest version.


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