


ملاحظات يجب قراءتها:

1. نتبرئ من استخدام أي موضوع في المدونة في طريق الحرام أو ضد المسلمين.
2. إن لم تجد الموضوع الذي بحثت عنه في محرك البحث، استخدم البحث الداخلي في المدونة.
3. هناك مراكز رفع ملفات تحتاج الى استعمال بروكسي للتحميل المجاني دون عمل حساب مدفوع مثل مركز رفع uploading.com
4. نعتذر عن عدم توفر بدائل لبعض الروابط المفقودة
5. الرجاء فحص الملفات جيداً قبل التشغيل فيما يخص أدوات الهاكرز و الفيديو..الخ
6. ليست كل البرامج كاملة و ليست كل البرامج تحتاج الى تسجيل!!؟؟
7. عزيزي الزائر تشرفنا بزيارتك، و أعلم أنك لست أول زائر و لن تكون الاخير بإذن الله تعالى، تمتع بتصفح المدونة دون مشاكل بإذن الله...
8. لا تنس استخدام (رسائل اقدم) لرؤية باقي مواضيع التصنيفات

انشاء المدونة

تم انشاء المدونة في:


Black ice

كل عام و أنتم بألف خير بمناسبة مرور 4 سنوات على انشاء المدونة و الحمدلله

ĬŖŞĤ@ĮĐ مدونة الخدع و الشروحات إرشيد الجرايدة ĬŖŞĤ@ĮĐ

BlackICE Firewall 3.6 cqs

BlackICE Firewall 3.6 cqs



BlackICE teams a personal firewall with an advanced intrusion detection system to constantly watch your Internet connection for suspicious behavior. BlackICE responds immediately by alerting you to trouble and instantly blocking the threat. BlackICE automatically detects and blocks attacks through a comprehensive inspection of all inbound and outbound information to your computer. And BlackICE PC Protection is constantly working to secure your dial-up, DSL, and cable modem from hackers 24 hours a day, every day of the year. 
BlackICE's Application Protection quickly and invisibly defeats dangerous programs that attackers deliver through instant messaging, email, or even your Web browser! BlackICE stops these destructive programs before they do harm-like damaging your PC or launching email attacks against your friends and co-workers. 
BlackICE PC Protection scans all inbound Internet traffic for suspicious activity on home or small business systems. BlackICE PC Protection features Application Protection, an exciting new feature designed to shield your PCs, laptops and workstations from hijack by an attacker, and protects you from Trojan horse applications, worms and other destructive threats. 
BlackICE Server Protection SOHO delivers the same bulletproof protection as our award-winning BlackICE PC Protection product with additional defense against specific attacks directed at Windows NT or 2000 Servers. 
BlackICE PC Protection Guards and Secures Against: 
- Theft of personal identity, passwords or credit card info and more? 
- Hackers using your PC to launch attacks against other PC users 
- Computer downtime and system crashes 
- BLOCKS hacker attacks instantly 
- PREVENTS destructive applications like worms and Trojans from ever starting 
- REPORTS attempted attacks and identifies intruders 
- SECURES any Internet connection, including dial-up, DSL, or cable modem 
BlackICE PC Protection is Powerful and Easy-to-Use: 
- BlackICE teams a personal firewall with an advanced intrusion detection system to constantly watch your Internet connection for suspicious behavior. BlackICE responds immediately by alerting you to trouble and instantly blocking the threat. 
- BlackICE PC Protection now features Application Protection, an exciting new feature designed to shield your PCs, laptops and workstations from hijack by an attacker, and protects you from Trojan horse applications, worms and other destructive threats. 
- BlackICE's Application Protection quickly and invisibly defeats dangerous programs that attackers deliver through instant messaging, email, or even your Web browser! BlackICE stops these destructive programs before they do harm-like damaging your PC or launching email attacks against your friends and co-workers. 
- BlackICE automatically detects and blocks attacks through a comprehensive inspection of all inbound and outbound information to your computer. And BlackICE PC Protection is constantly working to secure your dial-up, DSL, and cable modem from hackers 24 hours a day, every day of the year



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