


ملاحظات يجب قراءتها:

1. نتبرئ من استخدام أي موضوع في المدونة في طريق الحرام أو ضد المسلمين.
2. إن لم تجد الموضوع الذي بحثت عنه في محرك البحث، استخدم البحث الداخلي في المدونة.
3. هناك مراكز رفع ملفات تحتاج الى استعمال بروكسي للتحميل المجاني دون عمل حساب مدفوع مثل مركز رفع uploading.com
4. نعتذر عن عدم توفر بدائل لبعض الروابط المفقودة
5. الرجاء فحص الملفات جيداً قبل التشغيل فيما يخص أدوات الهاكرز و الفيديو..الخ
6. ليست كل البرامج كاملة و ليست كل البرامج تحتاج الى تسجيل!!؟؟
7. عزيزي الزائر تشرفنا بزيارتك، و أعلم أنك لست أول زائر و لن تكون الاخير بإذن الله تعالى، تمتع بتصفح المدونة دون مشاكل بإذن الله...
8. لا تنس استخدام (رسائل اقدم) لرؤية باقي مواضيع التصنيفات

انشاء المدونة

تم انشاء المدونة في:


Black ice

كل عام و أنتم بألف خير بمناسبة مرور 4 سنوات على انشاء المدونة و الحمدلله

ĬŖŞĤ@ĮĐ مدونة الخدع و الشروحات إرشيد الجرايدة ĬŖŞĤ@ĮĐ

Intrested in web design

Introduction to web design

According to google.com there's about 4.2 billion searchable webpages on it's database and about 75% of it is porn not to mention its crappy porn anyways, your probley wondering how a webpage is created right? otherwise you wouldn't be here reading this. if you look at the source of a web page its made up of Tags, you can view the source of this webpage right now if you want go to view on your webbrowser, then go to view source, notepad should pop up with the HTML code yeah i know at first it looks very complicated, don't worry you'll learn how to write in HTML and read it it's like learning a new langauge and it's fun. but there's more langauges that you could use to create a webpage with, like JAVA script and PHP.

Now that i gave you a small briefing about webdesign, I'll tell you what you need to get started, first of all you'll need a compiler, a compiler is a application that converts or "translates" HTML into a webpage. a good compiler is Macromedia dreamweaver or coffee cup from the free crappy ones, I don't suggest you use notepad if your just starting out, a compiler like coffee cup will be good cause you can design a site without that much coding or non at all. so go downlaod the compiler best place would be www.download.com some people say that using programs like this wont teach you anything, but don't listen to them this programs are good for begineers because you get to design your own site without any coding then you can view the html to see what went into making the site then eventually you can manipulate the code and change it, then later on write the entire code your self. kind of like training weels for webdesign.

Next you'll need some webspace, you can use GeoCities for some free webspace or even most ISP's (internet service providers) give you free webspace. ok good now that you got some websapce for your website, your set but you'll need one last thing a FTP(file transfer protocal) client a FTP client lets you transfer your html files to your webspace but you can also do it with internet explorer ftp://username@servername.com

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