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انشاء المدونة

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Black ice

كل عام و أنتم بألف خير بمناسبة مرور 4 سنوات على انشاء المدونة و الحمدلله

ĬŖŞĤ@ĮĐ مدونة الخدع و الشروحات إرشيد الجرايدة ĬŖŞĤ@ĮĐ

Packet Tracer 5.1 Final Beta, Cisco Network Simulation Software

Read the ReadFirst!! file first

Introducing Packet Tracer 5.1: Network Simulation Software
Cisco Networking Academy is pleased to announce the new release of Packet Tracer, a Network Simulation Software. Packet Tracer 4.1 is the next major release of the interactive network simulation and learning tool for Cisco CCNA instructors and students. It allows users to create network topologies, configure devices, inject packets, and simulate a network with multiple visual representations. This release of Packet Tracer focuses on supporting more of the networking protocols taught in the CCNA curriculum.

About Packet Tracer
Packet Tracer is a self-paced, visual, interactive teaching and learning tool. It is designed to increase interaction between students and instructors, promote student learning, and enhance instructor presentations. This technology is a new and fun way to expand teaching and learning experiences beyond the limitations of a traditional lab environment. Packet Tracer helps resolve some common challenges that instructors face on a daily basis, while enabling us to explore new frontiers in networking education.

Product Feature Solution Fit
Packet Tracer 4.1 is an enhancement of the current standalone PT4.0 product. It expands upon the feature set that exists in PT4.0. This product is meant to be used as an education product that provides exposure to the command-line interface of Cisco devices for practice and discovery learning. PT4.1 also improves on the visualization components of PT4.0, making it easier for instructors to deliver presentations and for students to understand the inner workings and interactions of networking equipment to perform data transfer and support communications.

Key Features
In the Simulation and Visualization Mode, students can see and control time intervals, the inner workings of data transfer, and the propagation of data across a network. This helps students understand the fundamental concepts behind network operations. A solid understanding of network fundamentals can help accelerate learning about related concepts.

The physical view of devices such as routers, switches, and hosts, presents graphical representations of expansion cards and identifies the capabilities of each card. The physical view also provides geographic representations, including multiple cities, buildings, and wiring


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