Follow the steps below to uninstall Deep Freeze:
1. Download Deep Freeze Password remover software.
2. Run the downloaded application on your computer.
3. Select “Open new process” and hit on Start. Deep Freeze password remover will create another instance of Deep Freeze software and you will get a prompt like this:
Note: You might get an error message at your first attempt. Don’t worry, try again by hitting on “Start” and you will be fine.
4. Hit on OK (no need to enter the password) and you will be able to access the Deep Freeze panel. Select “Boot Thawed” mode and restart.
5. Now, after restart, run the Deep Freeze installer file and you will be now able to uninstall Deep Freeze software from your computer.
So friends, this was a short tutorial on how to uninstall Deep Freeze from your computer. As you might have noted, Deep Freeze password remover deletes any sort of password which you have used on Deep Freeze. If you have any problem in using Deep Freeze password remover to uninstall Deep freeze, please mention it in comments.
Enjoy n uninstall Deep Freeze…
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