If you’re geeky enough to be reading this blog, then chances are you’ve likely got more than one computer on your home network. Every geek worth his or her salt knows how to set up a Windows machine for remote desktop connections outside of the house, but not every geek may know how to set it up to work with multiple computers on the same home network, sharing the same IP address. Today, we’ll share with you the secret to get it to work with all your Windows computers and how to access them.
To get your first remote desktop PC setup, you had to enable it on your computer through the advanced settings. Right click on My Computer and select Properties to bring up the System Properties (or use the Windows-break shortcut).
Click on the Remote tab and make sure “Allow users to connect remotely to this computer” checkbox is checked under the “Remote Desktop” pane.
Click OK. On your router, you had to also open up port forwarding on port 3389 to your computer, the default port that Windows remote desktop connection uses. Doing this requires a few steps. The first is to get your computer’s internal IP address, the one that your router uses, open up a command prompt by clicking Run –> Start and typing “cmd”. Then type “ipconfig” in the console and get your IP address.
With that, you need to get to your router setup and do something similar below, except the port is 3389, not 41952 as indicated. Your private IP is the IP you got from ipconfig, and the private port is the port on your PC that you want to forward the remote desktop connection to. The public port is the external port on your router that accepts the incoming connection. To make things simple, just keep these the same.
So… You did all this before, right????
To set up a second computer for remote desktop using the same IP address, simply enable remote desktop connections as indicated in the first step. But after doing so you need to change the default port so that it does not interfere with your existing port usage. Since 3389 is already taken, we’ll use 3390. To change the default port, open up the Windows registry editor by clicking Start –> Run and typing “regedit”.
Navigate to:
Double click the PortNumber key, select the “Decimal” radio button so the number is readable, and change the value data to 3390. Then click OK and close the registry editor.
Again, get the IP address for the second machine, remember it, then add a port forward in your router settings, this time using 3390 as the port number. Remember that this will get forwarded to the internal IP of your second machine, not the first one. Repeat this process for any remaining computers and simply use a new port number for each one so there are no overlaps.
To connect to your computer from any other Windows machine in the world with remote desktop, you need to know the external IP that your IP provider assigns you. In the remote desktop connection settings, let’s assume your IP is and you wish to connect to a computer you’ve set up to listen on port 3390. Start Remote Desktop Connection by clicking Start –> Accessories –> Remote Desktop Connection. In the dialog, fill in the computer in the format
Congratulations, you have now set up multiple remote desktop connections using the same IP address on your home network and are now among elite nerds. Now go eat some cheese.
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